Slow Stitch Story Booklet with Wilma

Sale price$180.00
5 units in stock, ready to be shipped


3 Sessions on Saturday mornings, 10:00am - 1:00pm
15th March
22nd March
29th March

Skill Level:  Adventurous beginner/Intermediate. Students should know how to thread a needle and do some basic embroidery stitches. The class will not focus on teaching stitches, but on the collage techniques.

Often, we do not know what to do with scraps left over from projects. Some are just too nice to throw out and too small to gift away. In this workshop you will be shown how to make small collages with fabric which then will be turned into a booklet.  

This workshop will be a 3-hour workshop for 3 weeks. In the first week we will create at least one page. The second week will be working on the rest of the pages, and you will start on the cover of the booklet. The third week will put the pages and cover together to finish the booklet.


The class fee includes a starter kit with calico, quilt-lite, and some fabrics for the covers

Students should bring:

  • Medium cutting mat, quilt ruler and rotary cutter
  • Scraps of fabric, some bigger pieces, for example left over blocks from another project, etc. Makerie's scrap box will be available for your use.
  • Embroidery threads in your preferred colours: Cosmo/DMC, Perle Cotton
  • Pieces of Ribbons, Lace and small to medium buttons.
  • Roxanne Glue-baste-it, or other basting glue

*Please familiarise yourself with our class policy before booking

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