2 Saturdays: 28th September and 5th October, 10am-4pm
Incorporating mixed fibres into embroidery opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to explore new textures, patterns, and meanings in your work. Whether you’re layering fabrics, stitching details, or adding texture, textiles can bring a unique and personal touch to your art.
Janne Williams will join us at Makerie for a two part class to teach her modern embroidery technique on her beautiful floral design. With her guidance, you'll learn how to personalize this piece with colours and fibres and make it truly your own.
- 6" Hoop
- Monk Cloth - 12" Square
- 1 pack Chenille needles 18-23
- 1 pack of beading needles
- Punch needle
- Water colour pencils and brushes
- Vintage laces and doilies
Students will bring their own threads in the colourways of their choosing. Some of these are available for purchase from Makerie at a discounted price for class attendees.
Students to bring:
- Some wool/tapestry threads in your chosen colourway
- Perle 8, 5, and 3 threads, including some variegated
- A variety of glass beads if desired
- Small embroidery scissors
- Fabric marking pen (Frixion or a hemline chalk pen but not wash away)
*Please familiarise yourself with our class policy before booking